Sunday, June 7, 2009

Where to begin?!

Wowee! So much has happened to me in the past week since my time being in Japan! I am so glad to be back in the United States! I’ll tell you some of what happened last week tomorrow along with a new blog I have had in my mind! Thanks for reading! God bless!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Running, Flying, and Walking!

Hello! Hello! I am so confused on the time and date right now I can’t think straight. I am still in Tokyo, Japan and what a week it has been. As I stated in the last blog entry, I got here…well…that is a good question. It was Tuesday I believe. I had a pretty nice trip in New Jersey last week. I spent three days just relaxing and looking around town. Though it wasn’t so nice when the manager of that first hotel I started to stay at spotted in me a crowd. I began running as fast as I could. I picked up some hard bread that had been thrown away in a garbage can nearby and hurled it at him. It slowed him down a few minutes and he quickly got back on his feet. I then spotted a ladder in which a painter was using while painting an apartment close by. I went up the ladder and it just so happened someone had their window open so I tumbled into their room. Luckily nobody was home so I quickly ran to their closet and spotted a long rain coat and a hat that looked like something Paddington the bear would wear. I put them both on and left the apartment room. I then went out into a quiet hall and hopped down the stairs. As I went outside there was some kind of taxi car waiting by the side walk. I jumped in while I noticed the Mexican manager crawling up the ladder which I had crept up on. I then told the driver to take me to the hotel I was staying at. Without hesitation, he did just that. Evening quickly came upon me as I began packing up my belongings and getting ready for the airplane trip for the next day (Monday). That night was one of those nights where you’re too tired you just can’t sleep. Have you ever had one of those?! One of those where you seem to hear every little sound. Like a drip from a faucet, someone walking up and down the stairs, a pet goat out in the hallway. I did finally get to sleep though, It seemed as though the ringing of the alarm clock came fast. I then knew it was time to get to the airport. A taxi driver waited for me outside. His named was “Chipper”. I guess they called him that because he had endless empty bags of chips ahoy over the front seat and then a tray with some fresh ones half way out of the bag. He asked me how I liked the city and I told him about the Kinkos and the other travels I had been on. I then asked about him if liked driving. He replied while crunching on a cookie saying it was a fun job because you get to meet all kinds of people. We then arrived at the air port and as we shook hands I was left with small cookie crumbs on my palm. I then took out my passport and other papers I had game them to the lady that meets you at the terminal. She then said it was ok to board the plane and I walked along and came saw the number to my seat. There already sitting in the seat next to mine whom resembled Garth of off Wayne’s World. I am telling you, it looked just like him. He had some drum sticks in his hand which he would bang onto his knee and then he’d take them and do a sort of spin in his hand. It seemed that he had some sort of concert going on in his head. I took out a pillow I had and some earphones and turned on my mp3 player and listened to some tunes. I guess I fell asleep and I must have been out for awhile because when I looked out the window, it was dark out! The Garth looked alike had his head against the window sleeping while he mumbled what sounded like a song by the band “Journey”. I then pressed my head against the window and replayed the songs on my mp3 played and drifted off to sleep. Later I was woken up by some loud screaming. It was the Garth look alike yelling some song. I then noticed that it was daylight out and the pilot said soon we would be landing. The Garth look alike then asked me to play air guitar while he did some kind of something with his drum sticks. We then jammed a little and had people on the airplane clapping with us. Soon the plane landed and we were out the airport. While we were moving down aisle of the plane, Garth took his drum sticks and banged them on top of the seats. He then ran out to a girl holding the name “Ralph” on a sign and he ran to her and gave her a hug. I then spotted a family with the sign “The Wang Chungs” written on it. I then proceeded to go forth to the family and introduce myself. They were a very nice family and friendly. Oh I’ve got to go real quick! Mrs. Wang Chung has breakfast ready! I’ll be back with another a post a little later!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Everybody Wang Chung Tonight!

Wow, it feels like awhile since I have gotten onto my trusty laptop. I am to you from Toyko,Japan. I've gotta be short for now; it's still dark over here and the Wang Chungs are strict about quiet hours. I'll see if I can back on here later today when it gets light out. I will talk to you then! Peace!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where to Next?!

What another tiring day it has been. But these tiring days have been well worth it. Right now I am coming to you from a hotel located in New Jersey. This is actually the second hotel I have checked into today. I went to what seemed to be a nice one earlier but it wasn't all what it seemed to be. The hotel clerk was an odd looking Mexican fellow. His moustache was as big as Yosemite Sam's (sp?) He smelt of raw brocoli that had been left in the sun for way too long. As I approached the counter as he was counting a wad of money which I quickly looked away from when he caught me spying. He then hid the wad of cash under the counter as I crept closer towards it. I didn't like the look at all in this guy's eyes. In raspy voice he told me the number of my room and gave me some rusty keys. I was beginning to think this hotel wasn't so nice as it seemed. He then chimed on a bell that looked as thought it had seen it's better days. Then suddenly out of a closet a short bellhop fellow stormed into the room. If you have ever seen the Disney/Pixar movie "The Incredibles"; then this guy looked like a male verison of the character named Edna Mode. It just so happened he even talked like that. Maybe he was trying to do an impersonation?! So then he took my bags as I nervously followed him through the hallways. The halls held an eerie atmosphere . They were designed like a chess board. There were black tiles and then there were white titles. What was even creepier was that there were giant sized horse pieces and all the other pieces that are used in your usual game of chess. I'm really not sure what they were going with for the above tiles but it looked like pieces of grass were coming out of the ceiling. There was an old man with a walker who walked pass us looking for some lemon pudding. I had never seen someone want lemon pudding so baddly. Then all of sudden there were grayish poodles walking up and down the halls. I'm telling you it was pretty strange. Then the bellhop showed me to a room with a purple door and he let me in. So I went into the room. The room wasn't really that I thought. All over the walls were picture of Presidents that we've had. They seemed to be staring at every move I made. What really got me was the look on Bill Clinton's face. But then I realized, that is the look he always has anyways. I covered up all the pictures with some extra bed sheets I had in one of my bags.I then stretched out on the couch. The couch seemed to suck me in like quick sand. I quickly leaped out and landed on the floor. Suddenly it seemed as though the floor was moving. The tiles quickly turned themselves over to a different shade of color. All the President portraits quckly turned into portraits of CabagePatch Kids. I quickly got my bags and tried to escape the old fashion way. I tied the extra bed sheet I had around the rail of the balcony. I slowly slid down the bed sheet and took a small stumble unto the ground. Before the man at the counter could see me,I ran down the street as fast I could. I was really glad I didn't put a down payment for the room. It would have been a waste! So then after a quick visit to Taco Bell, I found checked into a nearby Best Western. Should they be Best Northern up here though?! Ah if I could only put into words how soft one of these pillows are here and then the view is very nice. I really had a great visit with the Kinkos. I hated that I had to leave them so early this morning up I had to catch the place. Mrs.Kinko was nice enought to knit me a sweater while I was at the rescue center that read "I Survived the Artic". It's really nice and soft. And I almost ended up taking Santana with me. That penguin really began to grow on me. I also learned how to lead a pack of Huskies thanks to Mr. Kinko. What nice people they were. Well I guess I'll stay here in New Jersey for the next couple of days and then I will journey to Tokyo, Japan. I have already contacted a family called "The Wang Chungs" which I'll be staying with for a couple of days. Now that should be pretty interesting too. Well I think you for reading. Next time hopefully I'll be coming to you from Tokyo! Good night!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Much Better Day…

Today was a much better day. The night at the rescue center wasn’t too bad. I was pretty tired so I quickly went to sleep. I was waken up occasionally as I heard someone walking back and forth down the hallway with what seemed to be a peg legged attached to their lower body. Well anyways, as I woke up, I was kind of stiff from the way I was positioned while I was asleep. I was glad to see that Mr. Kinko was waiting for me in the waiting room. As I stepped out into the entrance, I could see his huskies attached to his sled and a vacant sled set up for me. I got onto the sled but I was nervous because I really wasn’t use to the dogs. But they kept me at ease as they started to pull away. We got back to the Kinko’s igloo, quickly, as it seemed. Mrs. Kinko had some breakfast ready for us which were some kind of hash brown. They were outstanding. No the hash browns weren’t out standing somewhere; they were outstanding as in describing them. Mr. Kinko then asked me if I would feel like going to the mountains today. I was thrilled that we would be able to. Soon we packed up some needed materials in our backpacks and we were on our way. Santana, their penguin, went along with us for some reason. Maybe it would be my chance to get rid of the little punk. After awhile we were finally there at the Torngat Mountains. It was an amazing sight. I was surprised to not see a single tree. But Mr. Kinko then told me that the mountains are north of the Arctic tree line. The Atlantic Ocean was an amazing sight to see as our eyes gazed over it. We were standing on a rock and below we could we a huddle of polar bears gathered together sleeping. We were able to creep by without being noticed. I was surprised that Santana was a quiet as he was. He really isn’t a bad little penguin. We then continued to look over the mountain and explored what there was to explore. Well now I am just sitting here trying to relax a little. It’s been a pretty amazing week so far. I’ll know I’ll watch American Idol tonight and see who is American’s next idol and then I’ll probably turn in early. I think I’ll be heading to my next destination tomorrow afternoon. I have enjoyed getting to know the Kinkos, they are a very nice family. Well til my next posting, I hope all is good with you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stuck at the rescue center....

Well it seems I won't be able to get back to the Kinko's igloo for the night afterall. The nurses wanted to moniter me a little more, so they kept me this afternoon. I wouldn't mind staying if the nurses looked lke Carrie Underwood; but they favor Donald Trump. They were about to let me leave but suddenly a pack of polar bears came out of nowhere and have been circling through the village. One of the nurses tell me the polar bear mating season is going on right now and it wouldn't be wise to go out into the evening.So now I guess I'll be here at the center for the night. I am glad that I was able to see tonight's American Idol. I thought Adam did good on the last song he did. It shows that he can do other things without the rock edge. Well I guess now I'll fix my cot up for the night and see if I can get some rest. What a long day it has been! Later!

A Day I Won't Forget...

Wow what a day today has been. The Kinko family woke me up about 5 am. A far cry from my regular time of getting up.I then got ready and was treated to some fine orange juice that Mrs.Kinko had made. I had never had a better glass of orange juice. Hmmm, I wonder whatever happened to that orange juice called Tang. You know the one with the monkeys on the can and then on the commercials they would drive trucks? I guess I'll save that for another post later. Well the Kinkos had promised we would venture across the land a little more. So I began to suit up and up on the heavy clothes which I packed. Not long after that, Mr. Kinko whistle for his fleat of huskies and soon he lead them off as I followed in snow mobile. I was a little hesitant at first but the snow mobile wasn't really that hard to handle. We went a couple of miles away from their igloo and headed east about 16 miles. We stopped at some kind of ocean, I have failed to remember the name. But it was probably one I'll want to forget. I stepped to the edge of corner leading out to the lake and then suddenly a peace was drifting away from the ledge. I found myself then out in the middle of the ocean. Mr. Kinko said he had never seen anything like that before but said it could happen. He then took a walkie talkie he had put his pocket and began to to call the rescue center at a village nearby. About 20 minutes later, helicopter flew over the block of ice that I was standing on. It then let down a net that I quickly grasped onto. I was whisked away to the village. I was colder than I don't know what. And now I am using a computer in the center to put into words everything I've done. They want me to stay here a little longer so I can get a little warmer and then hopefully I get back to the Kinkos and get my stuff. I hope to atleast get back in time for tonight's American Idol!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Restless Night...

Hey there again, it seems that I just can't get to sleep. I started couting sheep but then Bo Peep is leading them and then I get to thinking about Bo Peep; and how we could be on a beach and then well I can't go into much more. The Eskimo family I have been staying with are really kind. I got here around noonish and then from there the eskimo family showed me around the cold land. It was astonishing seeing the poloar bears run across the lands filled with the beautfiful snow. I was surpised to see they weren't carrying coke bottles! Oh tv, why have you betrayed me again? Well anyways, I was then treated to a nearby pond. The eskimo tribe and me I'll call them the Hinkos told many stories of the land. Amazing stories that you would have to hear to believe. Well I could type them, but I just don't feel like it. We then caught a couple of fish and brought them back to the camp. Come to find out when we looked in our bag, the fish were gone! I still think Santana, their penguin, slowly crept into the bag unnoticed and enjoyed the fish. But Mr.Hinko would beg to differ. Mr. Hinko then said that they had some fish frozen anyways. And let me tell you it was frozen. As we sat at the table Mrs.Hinko gave me a plate with a fish still frozen in a big block of ice. She then gave me a chiesel and a fork and after we said the blessing; I began to dig into the frozen block of ice. My teeth are still chattering as I type this. The night had come rather quickly as we I finally began to get to the middle where the fish was located. Mrs.Kinko then gave some warm sheets and a boulder which they use as a pillow. The boulder really isn't too bad. I wouldn't really call it a pillow;but my name isn't Webster either. I then laid my head down on this thing which Mrs.Kinko was calling a pillow. I had to settle with lying down by Santana. He put his wing over his face and stretch out on the floor. I could smell our fish we had caught in the beak of the penguin, deadgummit! Well and that is what brings me here. It looks to be a restless night. But hopefully facebook will pull through. I spoke too soon, it seems to be freezing up again! Well tomorrow the Kinkos plan to show me more of the surrounding areas and hopefully lead me to a couple of mountains! I will keep you updated! Til then! G'Night!

Journey in the Artic...

Hey Oh! I am coming to you from the artic as we speak. You know, they actually have wi-fi here. I was able to meet up with a kind eskimo family and they have taken me in for the night. I would tell your names, but they would rather be left,well, nameless. I will tell you that they have a penguin named Santana who stole the last bit of cheez nips I left over in my backpack. Well any hoo, I will continue to update after night's rest. Night all!