Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where to Next?!

What another tiring day it has been. But these tiring days have been well worth it. Right now I am coming to you from a hotel located in New Jersey. This is actually the second hotel I have checked into today. I went to what seemed to be a nice one earlier but it wasn't all what it seemed to be. The hotel clerk was an odd looking Mexican fellow. His moustache was as big as Yosemite Sam's (sp?) He smelt of raw brocoli that had been left in the sun for way too long. As I approached the counter as he was counting a wad of money which I quickly looked away from when he caught me spying. He then hid the wad of cash under the counter as I crept closer towards it. I didn't like the look at all in this guy's eyes. In raspy voice he told me the number of my room and gave me some rusty keys. I was beginning to think this hotel wasn't so nice as it seemed. He then chimed on a bell that looked as thought it had seen it's better days. Then suddenly out of a closet a short bellhop fellow stormed into the room. If you have ever seen the Disney/Pixar movie "The Incredibles"; then this guy looked like a male verison of the character named Edna Mode. It just so happened he even talked like that. Maybe he was trying to do an impersonation?! So then he took my bags as I nervously followed him through the hallways. The halls held an eerie atmosphere . They were designed like a chess board. There were black tiles and then there were white titles. What was even creepier was that there were giant sized horse pieces and all the other pieces that are used in your usual game of chess. I'm really not sure what they were going with for the above tiles but it looked like pieces of grass were coming out of the ceiling. There was an old man with a walker who walked pass us looking for some lemon pudding. I had never seen someone want lemon pudding so baddly. Then all of sudden there were grayish poodles walking up and down the halls. I'm telling you it was pretty strange. Then the bellhop showed me to a room with a purple door and he let me in. So I went into the room. The room wasn't really that I thought. All over the walls were picture of Presidents that we've had. They seemed to be staring at every move I made. What really got me was the look on Bill Clinton's face. But then I realized, that is the look he always has anyways. I covered up all the pictures with some extra bed sheets I had in one of my bags.I then stretched out on the couch. The couch seemed to suck me in like quick sand. I quickly leaped out and landed on the floor. Suddenly it seemed as though the floor was moving. The tiles quickly turned themselves over to a different shade of color. All the President portraits quckly turned into portraits of CabagePatch Kids. I quickly got my bags and tried to escape the old fashion way. I tied the extra bed sheet I had around the rail of the balcony. I slowly slid down the bed sheet and took a small stumble unto the ground. Before the man at the counter could see me,I ran down the street as fast I could. I was really glad I didn't put a down payment for the room. It would have been a waste! So then after a quick visit to Taco Bell, I found checked into a nearby Best Western. Should they be Best Northern up here though?! Ah if I could only put into words how soft one of these pillows are here and then the view is very nice. I really had a great visit with the Kinkos. I hated that I had to leave them so early this morning up I had to catch the place. Mrs.Kinko was nice enought to knit me a sweater while I was at the rescue center that read "I Survived the Artic". It's really nice and soft. And I almost ended up taking Santana with me. That penguin really began to grow on me. I also learned how to lead a pack of Huskies thanks to Mr. Kinko. What nice people they were. Well I guess I'll stay here in New Jersey for the next couple of days and then I will journey to Tokyo, Japan. I have already contacted a family called "The Wang Chungs" which I'll be staying with for a couple of days. Now that should be pretty interesting too. Well I think you for reading. Next time hopefully I'll be coming to you from Tokyo! Good night!

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