Monday, May 18, 2009

Restless Night...

Hey there again, it seems that I just can't get to sleep. I started couting sheep but then Bo Peep is leading them and then I get to thinking about Bo Peep; and how we could be on a beach and then well I can't go into much more. The Eskimo family I have been staying with are really kind. I got here around noonish and then from there the eskimo family showed me around the cold land. It was astonishing seeing the poloar bears run across the lands filled with the beautfiful snow. I was surpised to see they weren't carrying coke bottles! Oh tv, why have you betrayed me again? Well anyways, I was then treated to a nearby pond. The eskimo tribe and me I'll call them the Hinkos told many stories of the land. Amazing stories that you would have to hear to believe. Well I could type them, but I just don't feel like it. We then caught a couple of fish and brought them back to the camp. Come to find out when we looked in our bag, the fish were gone! I still think Santana, their penguin, slowly crept into the bag unnoticed and enjoyed the fish. But Mr.Hinko would beg to differ. Mr. Hinko then said that they had some fish frozen anyways. And let me tell you it was frozen. As we sat at the table Mrs.Hinko gave me a plate with a fish still frozen in a big block of ice. She then gave me a chiesel and a fork and after we said the blessing; I began to dig into the frozen block of ice. My teeth are still chattering as I type this. The night had come rather quickly as we I finally began to get to the middle where the fish was located. Mrs.Kinko then gave some warm sheets and a boulder which they use as a pillow. The boulder really isn't too bad. I wouldn't really call it a pillow;but my name isn't Webster either. I then laid my head down on this thing which Mrs.Kinko was calling a pillow. I had to settle with lying down by Santana. He put his wing over his face and stretch out on the floor. I could smell our fish we had caught in the beak of the penguin, deadgummit! Well and that is what brings me here. It looks to be a restless night. But hopefully facebook will pull through. I spoke too soon, it seems to be freezing up again! Well tomorrow the Kinkos plan to show me more of the surrounding areas and hopefully lead me to a couple of mountains! I will keep you updated! Til then! G'Night!

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